
No on Measure J

We firmly oppose Measure J and its efforts to irreparably damage Sonoma County’s vibrant regional food system. If passed, this measure will have a profoundly negative impact on Clover Sonoma’s local family farm partners — who adhere to the highest animal welfare standards in the industry — and all who work in, and rely on, local dairy production. Consumers will also lose as access to locally-produced dairy disappears, and Sonoma County’s economic vitality and strong local food culture suffers. We stand with the Sonoma County Family Farmers Alliance and the Sonoma County Supervisors to proudly support our local family farms and the role they play in sustainably managing the land while providing our communities with locally sourced vital nutrition and economic opportunity.

Clover Sonoma’s very own Michael Benedetti, was interviewed on the weekly “From Farm to Table” Radio Segment, hosted by KRSH Radio and Sonoma County Farm Bureau. Listen to the full interview by hitting the play arrow below. For more information and interviews on the subject, check out this article from Sonoma County Farm Bureau and visit the Sonoma County Family Farms Alliance.



Paid for by Clover-Stornetta Farms, LLC