
Dave Elliot

Ask Dave Elliot what he does at Clover and he will answer without hesitation: “I take care of a lot of things.” He’s neither joking or exaggerating. Dave does take care of things at Cloverโ€“โ€“a lot of things.

Here’s the list: He works in the freezer, and drives specials routes, does overtime in operations “making everything work for all of the departments,” and has been the yard man most of the time but is now doing that at two places instead of one. Yes, he oversees both because, as he says, “I keep things rolling with the trucks and the shop.”

Dave consider himself to be lucky, both in regard to what he gets to do at work and where he works. “Clover has been nothing but good to me,” he says, and then notes that when he had some family issues “Clover supported him.”

Dave came to Clover in 1990 through the help of his Uncle Harlan, who had a route with Clover “years ago.” Dave’s stayed because he likes the work, what Clover stands for, and the feeling that he is part of one large family. “Heck,” I’ve known Dana Ghirardelli, Producer Relations Manager, since she was four or five.”

He likes how solid the teams are at Clover and the active commitment to communication: “We all work together here. If we don’t know something, somebody else does and they pitch in and help out. The focus here is on making things work. That’s just the way it is here at Clover.”

Although Dave confesses that he is “not much of a milk drinker,” he gives an enthusiastic thumbs up to Clover ice cream, admitting that after all of this time he remains excited and looks forward to sampling whenever a new flavor comes out.

“I can honestly say this about Clover,” Dave adds, “I’ve never regretted a single day that I’ve spent working here.”