
Clover Would Love Your Input!

Hi, All.  Marcus back again.  I consider myself fortunate to work for a company that was founded by my beloved grandfather, the late Gene Benedetti.  My grandfather was a member of what has been called the “Greatest Generation,” and his charisma, drive and character were a testament to the true meaning of this title.  When my grandfather created Clover he had a vision of a company that not only produced and delivered excellent, pure products, but also a company that engaged in a reciprocal relationship with the communities it served.  Consumers would buy Clover products and Clover, in turn, would support communities through donations, event sponsorships, scholarships, etc.

I am proud to say that over the years we here at Clover have kept this vision at the core of our company values.  My grandfather and the partners before me kept this tenet of social responsibility at the top of their list while leading Clover and I consider it a special privilege that I can now continue the legacy.

As we all know, times have changed quite a bit since the days of my grandfather, and even since the days of my father.  Technology has advanced so much, likely beyond what my grandfather could have ever imagined.  Because of this I now have the opportunity to interact with Clover consumers like you through this blog, our Facebook page and our Twitter feed.  Rather than a one way conversation (Clover telling consumers our story) we are now able to engage in a dialogue with consumers.  This is such powerful tool and we are excited at all the possibilities it presents.

Now that we are able to have this open dialogue we would love to hear what you think.  Not only do we continue supporting the communities we serve as we have for generations, we are now able to listen to what the community members have to say.  What would you like to see Clover do next?  Any new products you would love to try?  Organic ice cream?  String cheese?  Milk cocktails? (ok, that one might be a little too out there, but you get the idea).  After all, we are creating these products for you, so we want to know what you would like to eat and drink.

I would like to stress how important consumer feedback is in our processes here at Clover.  A few years back we decided to try a new style of milk carton with a plastic twist cap.  We thought this was brilliant.  Turned out a good chunk of our consumers couldn’t stand it and told us so (harder to recycle, not as easy to use, etc.).  So, we swallowed our pride, admitted our mistake, and discontinued the cartons with the plastic caps.  My point here is that your input and feedback really make a difference.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any ideas you have.  We would love to hear from you!

