
Gerald Spaletta Dairy

Hi, All.  Marcus back again.  I would like to take some time today to introduce you to another new member of the Clover family, Gerald Spaletta Dairy in Petaluma, CA, Clover’s hometown.

In April of 2011 Clover welcomed the Gerald Spaletta Dairy into our family of Clover producers.  Located in the heart of Clover Country, the Spaletta Dairy is 350 acres tucked away at the foot of Sonoma Mountain in beautiful Petaluma.  Jerry (Gerald) Spaletta grew up on a dairy and his family has been producing milk in Sonoma and Marin counties for 4 generations.  Jerry’s wife Kristy is new to the biz but loves the lifestyle.  Jerry and Kristy have a son and daughter who are active in sports, 4-H, and help out with the family business whenever they can.

Jerry & Kristy Spaletta at their dairy in Petaluma

The Spalettas milk 400 cows and love that Clover recognizes the exceptional quality of their milk and the care with which they treat their animals.  Why did Jerry and Kristy chose to join the Clover family?  Jerry explains, “Clovers standards give people something to strive for.  We love being part of a company that allows the public to be aware of all we do to produce great milk.”  Thanks Jerry and Kristy, we are happy to have you with us!