
Greetings from Clover’s Production Plant

Hi, everyone!  I’m Matt McConnell, Director of Operations at Clover Stornetta Farms.  I didn’t want Marcus to be the only one in on the blogging fun so I thought I would share things from my perspective here at our production plant in Petaluma.  I am a relatively new member of the Clover Family.  I arrived at Clover two years ago by way of Boise Idaho and Boulder Colorado.

Clover has grown leaps and bounds since the early days in 1977 when we first started our company.  Today at Clover we have 210 employees working together with 41 distributors to ship product all over California, Nevada and parts of Arizona.  We receive our exceptional milk from 28 family owned dairies from Mendocino, Sonoma and Marin counties.

The one common thread throughout the years that has contributed to Clover’s success is the commitment and dedication of each member of the family dairy farms, the employees and distributors; these are the people who make up the “Clover Family.”

It’s funny, there aren’t many companies like Clover left these days.  The vast majority of our employees have been with us for well over a decade, and a significant portion of our group has been with us for nearly 30 years!  This loyalty is rare in this day and age and, I believe speaks to the respect and fairness with which Clover treats its employees.

The Clover family is made up of some special folks.  From a customer service representative, who spent a lunch hour returning a customer’s wallet left behind at our facility, to a distributor that drops off a case of milk at a restaurant on the way home, to a driver that stopped his truck to dive into the water to help save a mother and young son who accidentally drove into the bay.  Not only do Clover employees help others, they rally and support each other.  From the dairyman who lends his barbeque to an employee for a party, to the employee who mows the lawn for a co-worker recovering from surgery – these are the people that make up Clover.

It is heart, respect and hard work by the people behind the face of Clover that makes us special.  I value that the entire Clover team is committed to putting out the best products possible. Our commitment to quality and sustainability has provided us and continues to provide us with excellent opportunities for growth.   These traits and the support of the best customers in the world will continue to allow us to grow in very exciting ways in the coming years.

I am proud to call myself a member of the Clover family and look forward to sharing my experience with you through this blog in the coming months and years.
