
June is National Dairy Month

It’s that time of year again. Each June, Clover cows kick up their heels to celebrate National Dairy Month. Originating in 1937, this annual tradition honors our nation’s dairy industry and celebrates all the nutritious, tasty milk products we produce for consumers to enjoy.

Though seventy-seven years have passed since that first summer, it’s nice to know that some things never change. Today, milk is still considered a nutrient-rich powerhouse and is often widely referred to by medical professionals as “nature’s most nearly perfect food”. From essential minerals like calcium, to its body building protein and vitamins, milk remains the clear drink choice for a healthy lifestyle.

We take our milk seriously at Clover. We’re proud to be an established leader in our industry, and have championed many important issues through the years. Did you know we were the first dairy in the nation to become American Humane Certified, or that we’ve never used the growth hormone rSBT on our cows? These are just some of the many ways we’ve shown our commitment to Clover customers.

We consider it our privilege and honor to produce some of the cleanest, freshest tasting milk in today’s marketplace. We know you have a choice, and we thank you for choosing Clover. In doing so, you support local agriculture at its finest, and help us uphold the long standing dairy tradition that is an integral part of this region’s history.

In honor of National Dairy Month, we thought you’d get a kick out of these dairy “fun facts” (courtesy of the National Dairy Council). For instance, did you know . . .

  • A cow produces an average of 6.3 gallons of milk daily, 2,300 gallons yearly, and about 350,000 glasses of milk in a lifetime!
  • U.S. dairy farms produce roughly 21 billion gallons of milk annually.
  • The average American drinks almost 25 gallons of milk each year.
  • Chocolate milk contains the best ratio of carbohydrates-to-protein for refueling tired muscles and is almost twice as effective as commercial sports drinks
  • Cows have an acute sense of smell and can smell something up to six miles away!
  • No two cows have identical spots; each spot is entirely unique (like a snowflake).

Stay tuned for more fun and delicious ways to celebrate National Dairy Month.