Letter from our CEO
Dear Community,
Within a matter of weeks, our community and our country has been turned upside down. As we continue to embark into the unknown surrounding COVID-19, we want to assure you that Clover Sonoma is here for you, that your dairy supply is safe, and that we are doing everything we can to keep up with the needs of our community.
As the COVID-19 outbreak evolves, we have adjusted our business practices to stay nimble, but most importantly, safe. Our business office employees are working from home. Our production and distribution teams are essential to ensure that we get Clover dairy products to your grocery store, so we have put in place stringent policies around how we operate to ensure the safety of our employees and the products that we make.
Currently, according to the FDA, there is no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19. We have always been committed to quality, cleanliness, and safety regulations. As a critical contributor to the food supply, Clover has never taken this lightly and in recent days, we have further increased our standards across all of these areas.
Our Clover team is strong, their loyalty and dedication never ceases to amaze me. Our plant team is working together to produce milk 18+ hours a day, when we normally only run 12 hours. Our distribution teams are operating around the clock to get trucks loaded, and our driver team is managing additional routes to ensure we can deliver our products to grocery stores. Starting at 6am every morning, our sales team is on the phone with retailers to understand and address their needs. Our order entry team is operating at 150% to ensure that when retailers place orders, we get the right products out to stores.
Our family farms have been operating consistently to ensure a steady supply for our community. Not only are they maintaining the milk supply during this time of crisis, but they are managing the health and welfare of their animals, as well as monitoring the well-being of their employees. They are the backbone of the Clover Sonoma brand, and we are incredibly thankful for the work of our farmers, now more than ever.
We are also extremely grateful for our grocery stores and food distributors – as their doors continue to remain open in an effort to feed the California population and serve our communities. We want to take this time to thank the grocery store staff – the cashiers, clerks, stockers, baggers, buyers, receivers – everyone on the front lines, providing nourishment and comfort during very uncertain times. We appreciate you.
To our local restaurants – those that are still open, offering curbside and takeout meals, providing some semblance of normalcy, and to those who made the tough decision to close during this time for public safety reasons. We commend you. And to all of our customers and our community, we thank you for your continued trust and support in Clover Sonoma.
Community has always been at the heart of what we do, that’s why through our Clover Cares program, we give back at least 5% of our annual profits to support the causes that we hold dear. We recognize that now more than ever is a crucial time to invest in our community, and so to express our deep admiration for our hometown’s community hospital and health care providers, we have decided to donate over $100,000 to Petaluma Valley Hospital to purchase three new ventilators. It’s a start, but so much more is needed for gurneys, masks, beds, & other critical supplies.
Please join us in donating to the Petaluma Valley Hospital Foundation today. Learn more at: cloversonoma.com/communitycownts. If PVH is not your local hospital, we hope that you will hear our call and contribute to these critical asks from your local community’s hospitals and caretakers.
I wish you all well and hope and encourage us to come together to make an impact in our communities.
With gratitude,

Marcus Benedetti
CEO, Clover Sonoma