
Midge from Los Altos, CA bakes with Clover Eggnog for the Holidays

Midge from Los Altos, CA makes a special treat for her friends at Christmastime using Clover Eggnog.  She uses a yellow cake mix and substitutes the ingredients called for on the label for Clover Eggnog.  She swears it is the most delicious, moist cake around.


Follow the instructions on the yellow cake package, but substitute Clover Eggnog for the other ingredients called for in the recipe.  Add a tablespoon of rum for flavor (optional).  Bake in a bundt pan.  Sprinkle cooled cake with powdered sugar and drizzle Eggnog over the top of the cake (don’t drink it all while the cake is cooking!).

Midge puts a candle in the middle of the bundt cake with a sprig of holly for decoration and gives these cakes as gifts.