
Words from a Clover Intern

Hello Clover Fans!

My name is Amanda Moretti and this summer I have the privilege of interning at Clover Stornetta Farms.  I began my internship at the beginning of June and will continue working at Clover until the first week of August.  Throughout these two months, I will have the opportunity to shadow Clover employees, who specialize in a variety of areas, ranging from Marketing to Community Events Coordination to Producer Relations.  This internship will also provide me with insight into the daily happenings of a company who deals with producing, merchandising, and distributing food.  To say that I am excited for what these two months have in store for me is an understatement.  I have a passion for the dairy industry and am looking forward to gaining hands-on experience and knowledge not only within the dairy industry, but the food industry as well.

My passion for the dairy industry began at a very young age.  Actually, I believe that I was born with a love for dairying and cows running through my blood.  I am a third generation dairy farmer and have helped my parents run our 250-cow dairy since I could walk.  As a toddler, I was always outside with my parents whether it was watching my dad milk the cows or following my mom as she fed the calves.  As I got older, I was able to take on more responsibility on the family farm.  To this day, my jobs include feeding calves and heifers, cleaning pens, assisting the veterinarian, and assisting my mom with bookkeeping.  I feel very fortunate to have grown up working side by side with my parents and younger brother on our family dairy.  I know a lifestyle no different than the one the dairy industry has provided me with and for that reason I wish to further my education and pursue a career within the dairy industry.

At eight years old, I knew that I was bound to further my education at a university, with the hope of broadening my horizons and expanding my knowledge to ensure I had ample tools and resources to promote and preserve the dairy industry.  Now, ten years later, I still have the same goals and aspirations to carry on the traditions of the dairy industry, while leaving my own legacy.  As a sophomore at Cornell University, I am more than excited to continue networking, meeting new people, and learning about the dairy industry, agriculture industry, business sector, and marketing sector.  It is my goal to receive my B.S. in Animal Science with a minor in Applied Economics and Management fromCornellUniversity, before pursuing my Master’s Degree.  At this point in time, I am still unsure on the exact career path I wish to take, but I plan on continuing to intern for different companies each summer, in order to find that one career that I love and can have the biggest influence in.

I am very fortunate to be a part of the Clover Family, not only as a dairy farmer, but now as an intern.  This company has opened their arms to me and provided me with the best “backstage pass” I could have ever asked for.  Words cannot express how grateful I am for the time and effort the Clover Team has put into teaching me the ins and outs of the company.  I hope to one day be as influential in the dairy industry as Clover Stornetta and its employees have been.

Well, that’s all for now Clover Country!  I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit about me and hopefully this won’t be the last time you hear from me.

Until next time,
