
Curious About Kefir?

If you follow healthy food trends (or simply want to eat more consciously), you know adding Clover Organic Kefir to your daily diet delivers big benefits.  

What is Kefir?

Kefir (pronounced kee-fur) is a creamy, pourable fermented drink made by adding active yeast cultures and beneficial bacteria to milk. It has a pleasingly tart flavor, similar to yogurt, and offers superior nutritional value as well as lots of live cultures for optimal gut health. In fact, Clover Organic Kefir’s ten distinct probiotic strains pack a whopping 250 billion live active cultures per serving!

Available in five yummy flavors—Traditional Plain, luscious Pomegranate Strawberry Acai, Mango Passion Fruit Pineapple, Perfect Blueberry and Summer Strawberry—Clover Organic Kefir brings much more than good taste to your table.