
Don’t Forget the Essential School Sipplies

In the midst of a pandemic, it remains crucial that we feed our kids safe and nutritious food. Good food is fuel for the body and the immune system, but also for the brain, now that we are Back to School! For many of us Back to School means “distance learning” from home… And while able to be home, the time has never been better to stock the fridge and pantry with food that is rich in nutrients.

Stock Up!

There are a few simple ways to promote healthy eating among our kiddos:

1.  Ensure healthy, ready-to-go, appealing snacks are available: fruit, nuts, cheese, eggs, yogurt, and chopped veggies!

2. Serve milk and/or water, and avoid drinks with lots of sugar. For a good-for-you sweet treat, there’s always Chocolate Milk!

3. Involve kids in making the shopping list and cooking, this can be simple tasks like reading recipes and measuring! Here are a few fun Clover recipes, the kids will love:

Did You Know?

Milk all on its own naturally contains all three macronutrients – carbohydrates, protein, and fat – and many other essential nutrients that are important for kids and adults: Magnesium, Phosphorus, Riboflavin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and Potassium. Calcium and Vitamin D are naturally occurring in milk which we know are important for strong bones, healthy development, and in supporting the immune system; it’s a true superfood.

Want to learn more? Take our Dairy Nutrition Quiz and then quiz the kids!