Join the Dairy Health Moo-vement
There are so many reasons to love Clover dairy products! People say that Clover Milk tastes smoother and creamier than other milks; that a touch of Clover Cream makes any dish a special occasion; that Clover Yogurts are a cup of yumminess, pure and simple.
Beyond taste, there’s another reason to enjoy Clover products every day: Dairy is actually healthy for you! So, pour an extra glass of milk, put some butter on your toast, and maybe add a little sour cream into the mix – these are just a few of the ways to join the dairy health moo-vement!
Here are a few reasons why Clover dairy products are a healthy part of your diet:Dairy is a Source of Key Nutrients
Dairy is a concentrated source of of calcium and Vitamin D, both of which are essential dietary components that most people don’t get enough of!
Calcium is the key to making sure you have strong and healthy bones, and is especially important for bone development in children and prevention of Osteoporosis later in life. Vitamin D optimizes your body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients, including calcium. This means that consuming dairy is one of the more efficient and easy ways to get the essential dietary nutrients that your body needs!
Looking for the ultimate tasty and good-for-you beverage? Check out Clover Organic Kefir, which contains live probiotics that support a healthy immune system (and aids in digestion), along with essential nutrients like calcium and Vitamin D.
Dairy is a Protein Packed Treat
More than anything else, protein is the fuel that makes your body go. It helps to build muscle, and is essential for sports and exercise performance. Thankfully, Clover dairy products are packed full of whey, which is one of the most popular proteins used in protein powders. So why not just go straight to the source?
Having a protein packed dairy treat is easy and convenient. Need a high-protein snack during the day while you’re on the go? Check out the 14 grams of protein you get from a single cup of Clover Organic Greek Yogurt
Dairy Can Be Good for Your Heart, Blood Pressure, and Weight
Because dairy contains such a unique combination of vitamins and minerals, it is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. Dairy consumption is also associated with a healthy weight, as discussed in 3 Reasons Dairy Can Help You Lose Weight.
Healthy Dairy Comes From Healthy Cows
A huge part of the Clover Promise of Excellence means that Clover cows are cared for under American Humane Certified animal welfare standards. In fact, Clover became the first dairy in the U.S. to become American Humane Certified back in 2000. Not only that, but Clover is committed to the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare, meaning that Clover cows lead stress-free lives and produce an abundance of milk that is both healthy and delicious.
Healthy cows also means less bacteria.And when it comes to bacteria, less is always moooooore!